The UNTITLED Writers Group provides space for marginalized musical theatre writers of BIPOC/Global Majority, LGBTQIA+, and their intersecting identities to develop their work and engage in supporting and critically critiquing their colleague's work.
Winter Cycle Writers Group Members
Click photos for more info.
Rheanna Atendido (she/her)
Singer | Actor | Playwright |
Composer | Lyricist
Thani Brant (they/them)
Composer | Librettist |
Lyricist | Actor
Carlos Encinias (he/him)
Librettist | Lyricist
Abbie Goldberg (any pronouns)
Composer | Lyricist | Librettist
Piper Hill (he/him)
Performer | Composer |
Theater artist | Gamer
Amy Jo Jackson (they/she)
Actor | Playwright | Lyricist |
Kabarettist | Composer
Dani Koenig (they/them)
Bookwriter | Lyricist | Actor
Composer | Lyricist | Bookwriter
Jack B. Murphy (he/him)
Composer | Lyricist |
Librettist | Actor/Musician
Alex Petti (he/him)
Composer | Lyricist | Guitarist
M. D. Schaffer (they/he)
Composer | Lyricist | Librettist | Playwright | Choreographer
Dylan Schifrin (he/him)
Composer | Lyricist |
Librettist | Playwright
Alyssa See-Tho (she/her)
Playwright | Librettist | Lyricist
Yuriko Shibata (she/her)
Composer | Orchestrator |
Pianist | Musical Director
Tidtaya Sinutoke (she/her)
Composer | Writer
Murphy Taylor Smith (she/her)
Composer | Lyricist | Actress
Davey Thatcher (they/them)
Composer | Writer
Rebbekah Vega-Romero (she/her)
Playwright | Librettist |
Lyricist | Actress
Simón Gómez Villegas (he/she/they)
Composer | Actor | Musician
Emmanuelle Zagoria (she/her)
Writer | Performer | Composer
Previous Writers Group Members
é boylan (they/them)
Director | Creator | Composer
Obed De la Cruz (he/him)
Director | Playwright |
Composer | Songwriter
Cayenne Douglass (she/her)
Playwright | Bookwriter | Lyricist
Dillon Feldman (he/him)
Composer | Playwright
Charles Gershman (they/he)
Librettist | Lyricist | Playwright
Stephanie Henry (she/her)
Composer | Lyricist |
Librettist | Pianist
Ruchir Khazanchi (he/him)
Composer| Lyricist |
Librettist | Actor
Alex Ngo (he/him)
Composer | Lyricist
Joi Danielle Price (she/her)
Playwright | Librettist | Actor
Sheela Ramesh (she/her)
Composer | Lyricist
Joël René Scoville (she/her)
Actress | Singer | Librettist | Lyricist
Submissions for the
[UNTITLED] Writers Group Spring Cycle are now closed.
Submissions for the Fall Cycle will be accepted
on a rolling basis beginning June 1, 2024.